Margarita N. Rusalova

Leading Scientist, D.Sc. in Biology

Laboratory of Human Higher Nervous Activity
Scopus ID

Publication list


  • Rusalova M.N. Front-occipital asymmetry inversion: EEG power and coherence with an alarming wait. Asimmetrija. 2017. V. 11. N. 2. P. 5-18.
  • Strelnikova G.V., Strelnikova I.V., Rusalova M.N. Features of the cognitive style and bioelectrical activity of the brain of e-sportsmen. Sovremennyje Voprosy Bimeditsiny. 2017. V. 1. N. 1. P. 92-100.
  • Rusalova M.N. Mental representation of emotional images: amplitude and coherent connections of alpha rhythm. Fundamental problems of neuroscience. Functional asymmetry, neuroplasticity and neurodegeneration. 2016. V. 1. N. 1. P. 15-16.
  • Rusalova M.N., Mitrofanov A.A. Impulsivity and reflection in humans: asymmetry and EEG differences. Asimmetrija. 2016. V. 10. N. 2. P. 23-40. DOI: 10.18454/ASY.2016.35.2516
  • Rusalova M.N. The amplitude of the alpha rhythm as an indicator of the stability of mental reproduction of emotional images from memory. Asimmetrija. 2015. V. 9. N. 4. P. 4-17. DOI: 10.18454/ASY.2015.34.732
  • Rusalova M.N. Asymmetry of the alpha rhythm in the mental reproduction of emotional images. Asimmetrija. 2014. V. 8. N. 2. P. 5-20.
  • Rusalova M.N. Asymmetry of coherent relationships in the mental reproduction of emotional images. Asimmetrija. 2014. V. 8. N. 4. P. 24-41.
  • Rusalova M.N., Kislova O.O. Perception of emotions in speech. Review of research in psychology and physiology. Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk. 2013. V. 44. N. 1. P. 41-61.
  • Rusalova M.N., Mirofanov A.A. Asymmetry of coherent relationships in individuals with different success in the mental reproduction of emotional images. Asymmetrija. 2011. V. 11. N. 3. P. 17-28.
  • Rusalova M.N., Kostunina M.B., Kulikov M.A. The spatial distribution of asymmetry coefficients of the brain bioelectric activity while experiencing negative emotions. Rossijskij Fiziologicheskij Zhurnal im I M Sechenova. 2002. V. 88. N. 3. P. 318-323.