2 февраля в 15:00 в конференц-зале ИВНД и НФ состоится заседание Журнального клуба. Доклад подготовит Александра Масленникова на основе статьи: Neural correlates of consonance, dissonance, and the hierarchy of musical pitch in the human brainstem В четверг 2 февраля в 15:00 в конференц-зале ИВНД и НФ состоится заседание Журнального клуба. Доклад подготовит Александра Масленникова на основе статьи: Neural correlates of consonance, dissonance, and the hierarchy of musical pitch in the human brainstem. Gavin M. Bidelman and Ananthanarayan Krishnan. J Neurosci. 2009 October 21; 29(42): 13165–13171.
Consonant and dissonant pitch relationships in music provide the foundation of melody and harmony, the building blocks of Western tonal music. We hypothesized that phase-locked neural activity within the brainstem may preserve information relevant to these important perceptual attributes of music. To this end, we measured brainstem frequency-following responses (FFRs) from non-musicians in response to the dichotic presentation of nine musical intervals that varied in their degree of consonance and dissonance. Neural pitch salience was computed for each response using temporal based autocorrelation and harmonic pitch sieve analyses. Brainstem responses to consonant intervals were more robust and yielded stronger pitch salience than those to dissonant intervals. In addition, the ordering of neural pitch salience across musical intervals followed the hierarchical arrangement of pitch stipulated by Western music theory. Finally, pitch salience derived from neural data showed high correspondence with behavioral consonance judgments (r = 0.81). These results suggest that brainstem neural mechanisms mediating pitch processing show preferential encoding of consonant musical relationships and furthermore, preserves the hierarchical pitch relationships found in music, even for individuals without formal musical training. We infer that the basic pitch relationships governing music may be rooted in low-level sensory processing and that an encoding scheme which favors consonant pitch relationships may be one reason why such intervals are preferred behaviorally.