The conference will take place on October, 26 - October, 27,  2022 in the Federal Budget State Organization the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, RAS.

A mixed conference format was proposed: online and offlinePlenary lectures of leading Russian neurophysiologists, oral and poster presentations of young conference participants are scheduled.

Conference chairmen

Balaban P.M. – RAS academician, IHNA RAS
Malyshev A.Yu. – Prof. of RAS, D.Sc., Director of IHNA RAS

Programme committee

Anokhin K.V. – RAS academician, M.V. Lomonosov's MSU
Ostrovsky M.A. - RAS academician, N.M. Emmaluel's IBF, RAS
Balaban P.M. – RAS academician, IHNA RAS
Malyshev A.Yu. – Prof. of RAS, D.Sc., Director of IHNA RAS
Gulyaeva N.V. – Prof., D.Sc., IHNA RAS
Latanov A.V. -  Prof., D.Sc., M.V. Lomonosov's MSU
Martynova O.V. – PhD, IHNA RAS

Organizing committer

Pasikova N.V. – PhD, docent of IHNA RAS
Martynova O.V. – PhD, IHNA RAS

Conference subjects

  • Neurobiological mechanisms of behavior and higher mental functions.
  • Neurophysiological mechanisms of learning, memory in norm and pathology.
  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration.
  • Physiology of sensory systems.

Conference programme

Conference proceedings

The conference will be held in the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology on the following address: 117485 5A Butlerova street, Moscow, Russia
Transportaton: M. «Yugo-Zapadnaya», then take the bus 226 or M. «Kaluzhskaya», next take the buses 226, 295. The final stop is "Schkola 115". (School No. 115)

За подробной информацией обращаться к Пасиковой Наталье Викторовне. 
Тел. (495) 334-71-11, факс:(499)7430056, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.