Elena V. Korneeva

Senior Scientist, PhD in Biology
Laboratory of NeuroontogenesisE-mail: korneeva@nobody.ru
- Scopus ID
- 7202348049
- 0000-0003-2546-5130
- Web of Science ResearcherID
- E-1809-2014
- SPIN code
- 8071-5332
Publication list
- Korneeva E.V., Tiunova A.A., Alexandrov L.I., Golubeva T.B. Influence of Natural Asymmetric Embryonic Visual Afferentation on the Neuronal Activations in the Caudomedial Mesopallium during the Freezing Response in Altricial Nestlings. Doklady Biological Sciences. 2021. V. 497. N. 1. P. 62-64. DOI: 10.1134/S0012496621020046
- Korneeva E.V., Tiunova A.A., Alexandrov L.I., Golubeva T.B. Wulst activation in pied flycatcher nestlings in feeding behavior induced by patterned visual stimulus. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2016. V. 66. N. 1. P. 74-81. DOI: 10.7868/S0044467716010081
- Korneeva E.V., Alexandrov L.I., Hramov A.E., Sitnikova E.Y., Raevsky V.V. EEG in Altricial Pied Flycatcher Nestlings During the Functional Sates Related with Natural Behavior Cycle. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2014. V. 64. N. 2. P. 208-217. DOI: 10.7868/S0044467714020105
- Korneeva E.V., Tiunova A.A., Alexandrov L.I., Golubeva T.B., Anokhin K.V. Visual input affects the expression of the early genes C-Fos and ZENK in auditory telencephalie centers of pied flycatcher nestlings during the acoustically-guided freezing. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2014. V. 64. N. 3. P. 324-333. DOI: 10.7868/S0044467714030071
- Korneeva E.V., Tiunova A.A., Alexandrov L.I., Golubeva T.B., Anokhin A.A. Activation of tectofugal visual system of the pied flycatcher nestlings at early developmental stages of feeding behavior guided by diffuse photosensitivity. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti im. I.P.Pavlova. 2010. V. 60. N. 3. P. 330-338.
- Korneeva E.V., Aleksandrov L.I., Golubeva T.B., Raevskii V.V. Effects of visual deprivation on the development of auditory sensitivity during formation of the freezing reaction in pied flycatcher nestlings. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 2010. V. 40. N. 5. P. 479-482. DOI: 10.1007/s11055-010-9284-6
- Korneeva E.V., Alexandrov L.I., Golubeva T.B., Raevsky V.V. Visual deprivation affects the development of auditory sensitivity during the period of maturation of freezing response in pied flycatcher nestlings. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti im I P Pavlova. 2009. V. 59. N. 2. P. 180-184.
- Korneeva E.V., Golubeva T.E., Alexandrov A.V., Gurjeva T.I., Dadasheva O.A., Sychev V.N., Raevsky V.V. Prenatal acoustic stimulation and feeding behavior of Japanese quail chicks (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Aviakosmicheskaja i Ekologicheskaja Meditsyna. 2007. V. 41. N. 1. P. 47-50.
- Korneeva E.V., Golubeva T.E., Alexandrov L.I., Gurieva N.S., Dadasheva O.A., Sychev V.N., Raevsky V.V. Prenatal acoustic stimulation and feeding behavior of Japanese quail chicks (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Aviakosmicheskaya i Ecologicheskaya meditsina. 2007. V. 41. N. 1. P. 47-50.
- Korneeva E.V., Alexandrov L.I., Golubeva T.B., Raevsky V.V. Development of hearing sensitivity and formation of acoustically driven defensive behavior of Ficedula hypoleuca. Zhurnal Evolutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii. 2006. V. 42. N. 6. P. 548-553.
- Korneeva E.V., Alexandrov L.I., Golubeva T.B., Raevsky V.V. The role of visual afferentation in the development of early defense behavior of pied flycatcher nestlings. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti im I P Pavlova. 2005. V. 55. N. 3. P. 353-359.
- Raevsky V.V., Alexandrov L.I., Vorobieva A.D., Korneeva E.V., Kudryashov I.E., Kudryashova I.V., Pigareva M.L., Sitnikova E.Y., Stashkevich I.S. Sensory information is an important factor in ontogenesis. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti im I P Pavlova. 1997. V. 47. N. 2. P. 299-307.
- Raevsky V.V., Alexandrov L.I., Vorobyeva A.D., Golubeva T.B., Korneeva E.V., Kudriashov I.E., Kudriashova I.V., Pigareva M.L., Sitnikova E.Y., Stashkevitch I.S. Sensory information - The major factor of ontogeny. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 1997. V. 27. N. 4. P. 455-461. DOI: 10.1007/BF02462947